You are here: Prices

We deliver the highest quality Criminal Defence, Family Law and Mental Health law software at prices that our competitors cannot compete with. (We do not charge for maintenance or support when you lease our software)

Our prices are transparent and deliver the following:

  • Digital Mobile Working (The Bullseye App)
  • Case management [including letter production]
  • All Crime, Family law and Mental Health bulk load Billing
  • All other Magistrates Court billing
  • Crown Court Litigation Billing
  • Crown Court Advocacy Billing
  • Integrated Accounts
  • Automated overtime calculation for out of hours police station work
  • Fully integrated Practice Management
  • Fee Earner productivity
  • LAA Compliant software including all published changes to date
  • Software designed to eliminate duplication
  • Free training at our training centre in London

By obtaining the above you will be able to maximise your resources and facilitate bottom line savings on overheads as well as delivering top quality service to your clients.

In these hard times where it is difficult to find attractive funding rates for your purchases; Bullseye has eliminated the need to go to a Finance House as you can rent your software direct from us.

Please contact us with your requirements and we will be able to provide you with a quote tailored to your needs.

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There are many advantages in subscribing to Bullseye. Members have a dedicated page to take software updates and receive online support and can get the latest news on our plans for the paperless future and mobile online working across the criminal justice system. [ ... ]


We started subscribing to Bulls Eye software about 18 months ago it has made our billing for the Crown Court much more efficient and... [ ... ]


If you have any problems of any kind, we are able to give you remote online assistance. Please call us on 020 7556 1030 and we will arrange a time to log into your system and provide help. [ ... ]